<< ご注文前の確認事項 >> --------------------------- ・ご注文後に欠品する場合もあります。 ・出荷元の都合により出荷が遅れる場合もあります。 以上の場合は、速やかにご報告いたします。 在庫を多めに確保しておりますが人気商品のため、あらかじめご了承のうえ、ご注文ください。 --------------------------- 感染対策に 1枚ずつ包装されているので衛生的 1ケース(1枚入×100袋) 静電防止加工済の使い捨てガウン サイズ:フリー(目安)丈1,200mm×袖丈520mm カラー:ブルー 感染対策のガウン(不織布タイプ) 使い捨てタイプ。商品は、静電気防止加工が施されています。 撥水性に優れた素材(ポリプロピレン不織布)を使用しています。 袖口は手首にやさしくフィットするメリヤス加工を採用しています。 首と腰の2か所を紐で結び着用します。 多くの医療機関でも感染対策品として使用されております。 ご家族の感染時や自宅看護時にご使用いただけます。 いざという時の備えに。 内容量100枚 種類エプロン<< Before placing your order >>---------------------------There is a possibility that the product may be out of stock after the order is placed.In some cases. shipments may be delayed due to reasons beyond our control.In the above cases. we will notify you as soon as possible.Please note that we keep a large stock of this product. but due to the popularity of this product. please be aware of this before ordering.---------------------------For infection control.Individually packaged and hygienic.1 Case (1 Piece Pack x 100 s)Antistatic Finish. Disposable GownSize:Free length1.200mm ×sleeve kength520mm Color:BlueInfection-fighting gown (Nonwoven Fabric Type)Disposable type. The product is treated to prevent static electricity.Made with water-repellent material (Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric).The cuffs have been knitted to gently fit the wrist.How to use: Tie the neck and waist with a string and wear it.It is also used as an infection control product in many medical institutions.It can be used when your family is infected or when you are nursing at home.?Product Content100 piecesUsage TypeApron
種類エプロン<< Before placing your order >>---------------------------There is a possibility that the product may be out of stock after the order is placed.In some cases. shipments may be delayed due to reasons beyond our control.In the above cases. we will notify you as soon as possible.Please note that we keep a large stock of this product. but due to the popularity of this product. please be aware of this before ordering.---------------------------For infection control.Individually packaged and hygienic.1 Case (1 Piece Pack x 100 s)Antistatic Finish. Disposable GownSize:Free length1.200mm ×sleeve kength520mm Color:BlueInfection-fighting gown (Nonwoven Fabric Type)Disposable type. The product is treated to prevent static electricity.Made with water-repellent material (Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric).The cuffs have been knitted to gently fit the wrist.How to use: Tie the neck and waist with a string and wear it.It is also used as an infection control product in many medical institutions.It can be used when your family is infected or when you are nursing at home.?Product Content100 piecesUsage TypeApron