As for the size, petit; but seal it well. It is convenient for storing at the home and carrying when going out at small size. 23 millimeters in diameter that the size of the board side is the smallest in Shachihata vermilion series. Generally, it supports 18 millimeters of maximum size of the used registered seal. It is small size size not to take the place that is most suitable for the household use that there is not much of the use frequency or diplomatic business. [board side size] 23mm in diameter
As for the size, petit; but seal it well. It is convenient for storing at the home and carrying when going out at small size. 23 millimeters in diameter that the size of the board side is the smallest in Shachihata vermilion series. Generally, it supports 18 millimeters of maximum size of the used registered seal. It is small size size not to take the place that is most suitable for the household use that there is not much of the use frequency or diplomatic business.
[board side size] 23mm in diameter