赤ワイン 750ml [AOC]ペサック・レオニャン 格付けシャトー [評 価]100点 The 2009 was not part of this verticaltasting, so I am repeating the tastingnote published in issue #199 of The WineAdvocate from a tasting done in January,2012.
A candidate for the wine of the vintage,the 2009 La Mission-Haut-Brion stood outas one of the most exceptional young winesI had ever tasted from barrel, and itsgreatness has been confirmed in the bottle.A remarkable effort from the Dillon family,this is another large-scaled La Mission thattips the scales at 15% alcohol. A blend ofequal parts Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot(47% of each) and the rest Cabernet Franc,it exhibits an opaque purple color as wellas a magnificent bouquet of truffles,scorched earth, blackberry and blueberryliqueur, subtle smoke and spring flowers.The wine’s remarkable concentration offersup an unctuous/viscous texture, askyscraper-like mouthfeel, sweet, sumptuous,nearly over-the-top flavors and massivedensity. Perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime LaMission-Haut-Brion, the 2009 will take itsplace alongside the many great wines madehere since the early 1920s. The good newsis that there are nearly 6,000 cases of the2009. It should last for 50-75+ years.Given the wine’s unctuosity and sweetnessof the tannin, I would have no problemdrinking it in about 5-6 years. The finalblend was 47% Merlot, 47% Cabernet Sauvignonand 6% Cabernet Franc. 202, The Wine Advocate(31st Aug 2012)
赤ワイン 750ml
[AOC]ペサック・レオニャン 格付けシャトー
[評 価]100点
The 2009 was not part of this verticaltasting, so I am repeating the tastingnote published in issue #199 of The WineAdvocate from a tasting done in January,2012.
A candidate for the wine of the vintage,the 2009 La Mission-Haut-Brion stood outas one of the most exceptional young winesI had ever tasted from barrel, and itsgreatness has been confirmed in the bottle.A remarkable effort from the Dillon family,this is another large-scaled La Mission thattips the scales at 15% alcohol. A blend ofequal parts Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot(47% of each) and the rest Cabernet Franc,it exhibits an opaque purple color as wellas a magnificent bouquet of truffles,scorched earth, blackberry and blueberryliqueur, subtle smoke and spring flowers.The wine’s remarkable concentration offersup an unctuous/viscous texture, askyscraper-like mouthfeel, sweet, sumptuous,nearly over-the-top flavors and massivedensity. Perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime LaMission-Haut-Brion, the 2009 will take itsplace alongside the many great wines madehere since the early 1920s. The good newsis that there are nearly 6,000 cases of the2009. It should last for 50-75+ years.Given the wine’s unctuosity and sweetnessof the tannin, I would have no problemdrinking it in about 5-6 years. The finalblend was 47% Merlot, 47% Cabernet Sauvignonand 6% Cabernet Franc.
202, The Wine Advocate(31st Aug 2012)