【商品説明】 Protect your over ear or on-ear headphones with a hard shell headphone case from ! Compatible Models (not limited to): - Compatible with PULSE Elite case - Compatible with AKG Q701 case - Compatible with AKG K 872, K 812 case - Compatible with AKG K 712 PRO, K 702, K 701 case - Compatible with AKG K 612 PRO case - Compatible with Audio-Technica ATH-WP900, ATH-W5000 case - Compatible with Audio-Technica ATH-R70X case - Compatible with Audio-Technica ATH-AWKT, ATH-AWAS, ATH-AP2000TI, ATH-ADX5000, ATH-AD900X, ATH-AD2000X case - Compatible with Audio-Technica ATH-A2000Z, ATH-A1000Z case - Compatible with DENONs AH-D9200, AH-D7200, AH-D5200 case - Compatible with Fostex TH909, TH900mk2, TH900, TH-500RP case - Compatible with Grado PS1000e case - Compatible with JVC HA-SZ2000, HA-SZ1000e case - Compatible with Pioneers SE-MASTER1 case - Compatible with SONY MDR-Z7M2, MDR-Z1R case - Compatible with SendyAudio Aiva case And many other headphones. Note: - Headphones carrying case only, device is not included.
【サイズ】内寸 31.5 x 26 x 12.5 cm
【高品質】硬 シェルケースはヘッドホンを落下、衝撃ま又は衝突から守ります。
ケーブル、コード、充電器、AMP、イヤーパッド、アダプター、その他のアクセサリーを収納できます。 バッグの外側には持ち運びに便利な持ち手が付いています。
ヘッドホンケースは、アーカーゲー AKG Q701, K872, K812, K712PRO, K702, K701, K612PRO, オーディオテクニカ Audio-Technica ATHWP900, ATHW5000, ATHR70X, ATHAWKT, ATHAWAS, ATHAP2000TI, ATHAD900X, ATHAD2000X, ATHA2000Z, ATHA1000Z, デノン DENONs AHD9200, AHD7200, AHD5200 などの機種に対応可能。
【パッケージ内容】ケース X 1 個(ヘッドホンは含まれていません)
Protect your over ear or on-ear headphones with a hard shell headphone case from ! Compatible Models (not limited to):
- Compatible with PULSE Elite case
- Compatible with AKG Q701 case
- Compatible with AKG K 872, K 812 case
- Compatible with AKG K 712 PRO, K 702, K 701 case
- Compatible with AKG K 612 PRO case
- Compatible with Audio-Technica ATH-WP900, ATH-W5000 case
- Compatible with Audio-Technica ATH-R70X case
- Compatible with Audio-Technica ATH-AWKT, ATH-AWAS, ATH-AP2000TI, ATH-ADX5000, ATH-AD900X, ATH-AD2000X case
- Compatible with Audio-Technica ATH-A2000Z, ATH-A1000Z case
- Compatible with DENONs AH-D9200, AH-D7200, AH-D5200 case
- Compatible with Fostex TH909, TH900mk2, TH900, TH-500RP case
- Compatible with Grado PS1000e case
- Compatible with JVC HA-SZ2000, HA-SZ1000e case
- Compatible with Pioneers SE-MASTER1 case
- Compatible with SONY MDR-Z7M2, MDR-Z1R case
- Compatible with SendyAudio Aiva case
And many other headphones.
- Headphones carrying case only, device is not included.
商品名:ケース 互換性 Shield ヘッドホンケース ハードケース 旅行用 ハードシェルケースオーディオテクニカ Audio-Technica ATH-AWKT, ソニー SONY MDR-Z1R, デノン DENONs AH-D9200 に対応 収納ポーチ付属 (ダークグレー)
色:Dark Grey